Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Learning in Retirement

One of the most fun things for retirees in Ashland to keep their minds active is to take classes at SOLIR - Southern Oregon Learning in Retirement.
This program offers retirees a chance to teach a class in their favorite hobby, or literary or current events topic that they have researched and have some level of expertise in and enthusiasm for. Or for a paltry $100 per YEAR tuition, take all the classes you can fit into your busy retirement schedule! Popular courses are on anything Shakespearean, as Ashland is home to the world famous Oregon Shakespeare Festival It's always helpful to have studied the play before you see it live on stage at the Elizabethan theatre. Plus you get a chance to meet new friends that share your love of learning in a specific area, or just those who finally have time to enjoy exploring their world outside of career and family.
Ashland is also home to many other adult education programs which you can learn more about on our web site,
See you in class!

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